Easter Treat

Here we are again. Another long and lazy Bank Holiday weekend looming up in front of me. Wonderful. Who could want for more? James Bond movies on TV, chocolate eggs to stuff myself with and lie-in mornings with days full of adventure await me. I like holidays. They're the perfect excuse for doing nothing. Or everything. Anything you want to. No work, no boss, no clock watching, no pressure. Just taking things easy and relaxing hard.

I plan to visit friends and relatives, and if the weather is warm I'll be out in the garden doing some landscaping (well, I'll start pulling out the weeds and see how far I get!). I'll go walking on the beach on spring fresh mornings, throwing rocks for the dog into the breaking waves, rocks which he'll chase but never catch because he doesn't li ke getting wet, and we'll leave our footprints and pawprints in the damp clammy sand as evidence of being there. It isn't a pretty beach. It's the kind of beach that should be in a Catherine Cookson book with it's brooding cliffs and coal dust shoreline. I'll collect beach rocks and pebbles and paint mini masterpieces on them, transforming them from grey dead stones into living things; a ladybird, a frog, an Easter bunny. I'll do some shopping and treat myself to something nice (Guinness? Chocolate cake?) because, well, just because it's a holiday weekend.

I'll go to the theatre and stay out late with no worries of trying to beat the alarm clock in the race to wake up the next morning. I'll give presents of chocolate to my niece and nephew, making their mother despair as yet another sugar rush kicks into her toddlers. I'll give my mother some flowers and she'll give me one of her frowning looks, to say "you know you shouldn't have..." but she'll be pleased I did, all the same. I'll be playing with my new puppy, housetraining it, and hoping she won't bite all off all of the daffodil heads from my flowers in the garden. I'll be stretched out on the sofa watching whatever blockbuster movie is there for my viewing pleasure (make it a James Bond... please!) and most of all, I'm going to enjoy this long holiday weekend every which way I know how. And I hope you do too. Happy Easter.

Glenda Young is also the writer of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:


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